What If Myth Series

What If Myth is a book series that feature retellings of the romance of Dionysus, god of wine, parties and madness and his wife Ariadne, mistress of the labyrinth and caretaker of the Minotaur.

Each story uses different elements from the original myth or other elements of Greek myth as inspiration. Each story asks, what if…this was different? What if…something else happened instead?

What If Myth is a series can be read in any order. Each book is a different story with only the characters remaining the same.

Please note: These stories are not intended to be historically accurate at all.

An immortal god of wine, parties and general debauchery…lonely.
A defiant mortal princess…uncertain.
A love that is running out of time…

Ariadne can’t help but fear the day when her immortal lover grows tired of her and leaves her for a younger, prettier woman.  
But instead of rejecting her or forgetting her, Dionysus offers her an incredible choice. She can stay with him at the home of the gods, Olympus. The catch? She must stay under a disguise, since Zeus has forbidden mortals from stepping foot there. If she is discovered, she risks death or worse. 
Ariadne has never been afraid of rebelling against unjust rules made by selfish kings.

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